IPL (Intense Pulse Light)
The Cork Eye Clinic are delighted to announce that we have acquired a new revolutionary device for the treatment of dry eyes due to Blepharitis/Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), the E-Eye IPL machine.
We are the very first ophthalmologist clinic in Ireland providing this exciting new treatment.
Intense Pulsed Light has been used for decades for hair removal and the treatment of skin conditions but has recently come to the fore in the treatment of dry eyes.
IPL targets the blood vessels surrounding the oil-producing glands of the eyelids (known as the Meibomian glands) resulting in better eyelid appearance and better function of the eyelid gland.

This is a condition in which you are unable to make enough tears or the right quality tears to nourish and moisturize your eyes sufficiently. One common cause of the condition is the dysfunction of the meibomian glands in the eyelids, which are the tiny oil glands that are responsible for producing natural oils for your tears. Without the proper production of the oils, the tears that are produced will evaporate very quickly thus not properly moisturizing your eyes.
The condition has a broad range of symptoms that can be very unconfutable:
- Gritty or sandy feeling in the eyes
- Burning sensation
- Eye redness
- Foreign Body sensation in the eyes
- Eye fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Intolerance to contact lenses
- Excessive tearing
- Sensitivity to light
When left untreated dry eye syndrome can lead to significant eye pain and corneal damage.

The theory is that the pulses of infra-red light of a specific wavelength emitted during IPL treatment target inflamed vessels in the eyelids, shutting them down. These vessels – called telangiectactic vessels – are familiar to anyone with acne rosacea, and look like tiny spider veins. They are bad news for dry eyes, as they invade the eye lid margin and consequently inflame the important oil-producing glands of the eyelid – the Meibomian glands.
The E-Eye uses intense regulated pulsed light which has been designed precisely for treating dry eyes caused by MGD. It is the first and only medical device in the world to do this.
A minimum of four treatments over a 3-4 month period is recommended. At the Cork Eye Clinic we perform the treatments on site at our fully equipped Dry Eye Clinic. Treatment takes about 15 minutes per eye and is performed in a relaxed environment.
The E-Eye emits a “cold light” and it is non-invasive, totally painless and entirely harmless to the eyeball.

Dry eye patients often complain about the conventional treatment options available:
- Artificial tears are too messy and inconvenient with no long lasting effects
- Punctual plugs require the insertion of a foreign body into the eyelid. They do not improve the quality of your tears and can often be displaced
- Omega 3 supplements do not have consistent results, can often have an unpleasant taste and can have adverse interactions with other types of medication.
IPL treatment is effective because not only can it alleviate the symptoms associated with dry eye syndrome, it can directly treat the primary cause of the condition and slow the progression of the chronic dry eye, all without drops.
Here are a few facts directly for the makers of the E-Eye device:
- No. 1 dry eye solution to treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
- In 2015, over 35,000 patients have been treated with E-Eye worldwide
- 86% satisfaction rate – proven efficiency on mild, medium and severe dry eyes
- 100% satisfaction amongst users – Proven effective with negligible risk
- Long lasting results with a quick treatment time
- No recovery / downtime – Px can immediately return to normal daily activities afterwards
- Decreased dependency on eye drops for dry eyes
- Treats the underlying cause of dry eyes not just the symptoms
- 55% of patients do not require drops post treatment
- Results last for 6 months up to 3 years
This is an ideal treatment for patients who have tried traditional treatments for their dry eye syndrome with little to no success or who are tired of having to undergo continuous repeated treatments to find any relief from their symptoms.
In one clinical trial performed in New Zealand 86% of participants noted a reduction in symptoms in the treated eye after the third treatment. In another 3 year retrospective study over 90% of respondents to the IPL treatment improved in both ocular appearance and subjective improvement in symptoms.

The effectiveness of the treatment will depend upon the application of a specific treatment protocol. This involves 4 sessions administered at Day 0, 2 weeks later, 4 weeks later and another 4 weeks later.
6 monthly top-up appointments of one IPL session are recommended to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment.
- After thoroughly reading and completing the consent form please ensure you bring it the day of your first treatment
- Please ensure that you have no cosmetic products on your skin prior to treatment.
- Treatment takes just a few minutes

- You will be comfortably seated in a relaxed environment
- The E-Eye protective shells will be placed over your eyes
- A specific gel is applied to the cheek bone and the temporal area next to your eye
- The practitioner administers a series of 5 flashes starting from the inner canthus and up to the temporal area
- The same process is repeated under the other eye
- The practitioner removes the gel and rinses your skin with water
- No other treatment should be applied to the zones which have received flash treatment throughout the entire cycle of sessions
- Sunscreen (minimum SPF 30) should be applied to the zones which have received flash treatment, in case of exposure to UV, for at least 2 weeks.
- Make / confirm your appointment for the next session.
- Your current lid hygiene regime should be maintained

If you would like any more information about IPL please do not hesitate to contact the practice on 021-4341030 or bgolchin@corkeyeclinic.ie