About the Clinic
About the Cork Eye Clinic
" I have been practicing as a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Cork since 2005. Providing an excellent standard of care has always been my utmost concern and to this aim I have expanded my practice to my newly refurbished and state of the art equipped suites at the Cork Eye Clinic.
This investment in the latest diagnostic and therapeutic technology ensures a more comprehensive service to my patients and the use of digital media allows for an enhanced and patient orientated consultation.
Understanding the diagnosis and treatment process increases compliance and therefore improves the effectiveness of treatment. I find that the overall result of this is a more satisfactory experience for my patients."
Mr. Behrooz Golchin

Clinic Treatments include:-
Cataract Surgery
This is carried out under Topical Anesthesia (needle free); this avoids a local anesthetic injection, which can be painful and a source of stress for patients. Topical anesthesia is free from side effects associated with other forms of local anesthesia and has the added advantage of no disruption to the patients anticoagulation treatment (there is no need to stop Aspirin or Warfarin).
Glaucoma Service
Mr. Golchin provides a full assessment and management plan for Glaucoma patients. Mr. Golchin provides Humphrey Visual Field assessment which is recognized as the gold standard perimetry test for Glaucoma as well as OCT assessment of the optic nerve head. Mr. Golchin also provides a new treatment modality in the form of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT).
Age Related Macular Degeneration Service
The treatment of age related macular degeneration has been revolutionized with the advances in the treatment available. The prevalence of this condition is on the rise owing to the increase in our elderly population. Mr. Golchin provides fundus photography and OCT as well as anti-VEGF intra vitreal injections for the exudative type of Age Related Macular Degeneration.
Diabetic Service
Mr. Golchin provides a screening and management service for diabetic patients, which includes digital fundus photography and OCT. The treatment plan is followed up on digital records held for the patient. Treatment when needed is given in the form of Argon Laser and intra-vitreal injections of anti-VEGF drugs.
Dry Eye Services
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) –
We are the very first ophthalmologist clinic in Ireland providing this exciting new treatment. Intense Pulsed Light has been used for decades for hair removal and the treatment of skin conditions but has recently come to the fore in the treatment of dry eyes. IPL targets the blood vessels surrounding the oil-producing glands of the eyelids (known as the Meibomian Glands) resulting in better eyelid appearance and better function of the eyelid gland.
Punctal Plugs –
Punctal Plugs are tiny, biocompatible devices inserted into the tear ducts to block tear drainage. This increases the eyes tear film and surface moisture to relieve dry eyes. Also known as punctum plugs, lacrimal plugs or occluders, these devices are often no larger than a grain of rice.
BlephEx for treatment of Blepharitis –
Blepharitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the eyelids and eyelashes. Common symptoms of blepharitis include dandruff like flakes, redness, sandy feeling, burning, itching and a sticky sensation in the eyes. If Blepharitis is left untreated, the eyelid glands can become clogged and infected. This can cause styes, dry eye syndrome, corneal ulcers and unsightly crusted scales and debris on the eyelids. BlephEx improves the overall health of the eyelid and reduced many of the common symptoms associated with blepharitis.
Assessment & treatment of Eyelid / Conjunctival and Corneal disorders
Mr. Golchin provides an assessment and treatment for a wide range of these conditions all complemented by digital anterior segment photography.
Minor operations
Eyelid, cysts lumps etc.
Clinic Location
Cork Eye Clinic
Suite 7/8, Clinic A,
Cork Clinic, Western Road,
Cork, T12 VY83.

Tel: 021 434 1030
Fax: 021 434 1033
Email: bgolchin@corkeyeclinic.ie

Our mission statement
We strive to provide the highest standard of care possible to our patients.
Patients will be treated with dignity, respect and integrity.
The staff in the CEC are committed to the continuous process of self improvement and team work development to maximize clinical benefits to our patients.
We enjoy a close relationship with the General Practitioners and eye care providers in the community. This allows for a better patient experience and provides continuity of care.