Call: 021 434 1030
Eyelid / Conjunctival and Corneal disorders
Assessment & Treatment of Eyelid / Conjunctival and Corneal disorders
Mr. Golchin provides an assessment and treatment for a wide range of these conditions all complemented by digital anterior segment photography.
This enhances communication and therefore improves the patient experience.
Clinic Location
Cork Eye Clinic
Suite 7/8, Clinic A,
Cork Clinic, Western Road,
Cork, T12 VY83.

Tel: 021 434 1030
Fax: 021 434 1033
Meet the Surgeon
Mr. Behrooz Golchin MB, Bch, BAO, FRCOpth
VIEW ALLWhat Our Patients Say
I recently had a cataract removed by Mr Golchin. The experience, from start to finish of the procedure, was calm, reassuring and a success. Not only is Mr Golchin an excellent surgeon but also an active listener with excellent communication skills. On any of my visits to his clinic he encouraged questions, listened attentively and continued to reassure me.
This was very important as I was extremely nervous about the whole procedure.
Mr Golchin performed an outstanding surgery. I had absolutely no pain or irritation, 20/20 vision now in both eyes and feeling 10 years younger. What more can you ask of an excellent surgeon.
Rose Donnery (July 2019)
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