Call: 021 434 1030
Our Dedicated Macular Degeneration Clinic
We are the largest macular degeneration clinic in Cork with the highest number of injections given on a weekly basis.
The Cork Eye Clinic are now providing a dedicated Macular Degeneration Clinic. We are using the most advanced equipment and expertise to diagnose, manage and treat both Wet age-related macular degeneration and Dry age-related macular degeneration.
We administrate the anti-VEGF drug (such as Lucentis or Eylea) directly to your eye and this is performed as an outpatient procedure.
Clinic Location
Cork Eye Clinic
Suite 7/8, Clinic A,
Cork Clinic, Western Road,
Cork, T12 VY83.
Tel: 021 434 1030
Fax: 021 434 1033
VIEW ALLWhat Our Patients Say
After visiting my G.P regarding my failing eyesight, I was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes. I was sent for a consultation with Mr Golchin.
Mr Golchin met me in late January 2012. He planned for removal of the cataracts with the procedure to be scheduled during the following two months. As I was extremely nervous. I requested that the procedure be carried out under full anaesthetic. The first procedure, for removal of the cataracts was carried out on 27th February, 2012, followed by the second and final procedure being carried out on 30th March, 2012.
My vision now. at 20/20, is better than it has been in many years. I have returned to driving and take the simple things, which were once almost impossible, in my stride.
My Entire experience with Mr Golchin was very satisfactory and I highly recommend him to anyone contemplating eye surgery.
Sheila Kelleher
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