Picture Perfect Results
" My 'white' Lloyd Loom Chair was responsible.
I very recently had cataract surgery to my left eye, and noticed while looking at it with my untreated eye alone I saw it was a muddy cream.
Comparatively, using the treated eye alone it was a sparkiling white. I was intrigued. If surgery so affected what I saw and thought of as ' white', what about colours? My sincere and grateful thanks to Mr. Behrooz Golchin for his expertise and kindly consideration and care.
I placed a vase of flowers on the table and covered up my untreated eye. I then selected a palette of colours and painted half the vase and flowers, trying to be scrupulous about mixing the colours and painting only what I saw using the one treated eye.
I then discarded that palette, covered up the treated eye, and now selected a new palette of colours. Once again scrupulously painting and mixing the colours only as I saw them using the untreated eye, painted the other half of the vase of flowers.
The picture above is the result.
My sincere and grateful thanks to Mr. Behrooz Golchin for his expertise and kindly consideration and care."
Greta Shiels